Trusting in God

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.

Proverbs 3:5-8

If you’re like me, you probably grew up knowing these verses; at least the first two. Maybe they were your favorites at some point, or maybe they were beat over your head at summer camp or Sunday school. Do you know what they mean?

Sometimes I’m not sure I do. Honest take here: I hate trusting God. It feels like I’m losing control and sinking into the earth. I get this idea that if I give up, I’m going to die.

Heck, maybe I’m right. Maybe I will. Is it worth it?

It’s 2020, and everyone is scared to death. Some of us pretend we have it all together, like we don’t have to obey the rules because it’s all a conspiracy theory. Some of us act like we obey all the rules so we’ll definitely be fine. I don’t think either of those options are quite right. Why? Because that’s not what the Bible says.

As a matter of fact, whether we like it or not, we have zero control. Obeying or disobeying don’t make us in charge of what happens to us. Is that okay? It doesn’t feel like it. I sit here sometimes and think that there’s no way I’m going to make it. I’d rather just die and get out of this place, out of the constant fear and political turmoil and threat of death. Maybe many of us feel that way. What will it take to make us content?

I’ve been thinking on these verses lately. I can’t say I have any deep insight, but sometimes you don’t need insight. Sometimes you just need some TRUTH. It’s rare enough in the world today. So, let’s break it down.

Trust In The LORD

The Lord’s name is Jehovah. “The existing one.” We can trust the Lord because he is self-existent and created everything. If he did that, can he not protect us still? We didn’t create anything, including ourselves, so why should we try to trust ourselves instead of him?

With All Your Heart

The heart is a finicky thing. The Bible even says that it is “deceitful above all else and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). When people say “Follow your heart,” I think they mean well. But the thing is, when you do, you usually end up breaking everyone else’s heart. A majority of the time, your selfishness will cost someone else. When you trust the Lord with all your heart, he is enabled to take that selfishness away and create in you a heart that loves people. It may mean giving Him your selfish thoughts every time they pop up, but in the end, it will be worth it. Being happy in the midst of happy people is of far more importance than being happy alone. Ultimately, that’s why you trust in God with your heart. He makes living worth it, no matter the outside circumstances.

Do Not Lean on Your Own Understanding

What do you know? God wrote the Bible, created the earth, made your brain, and placed the stars. How is it that you think you understand things better than he does? We do think so, of course, but we have to remind ourselves…it isn’t true. When you find yourself thinking that way, go back to God and tell Him. “God, I feel like I know more than you, but I acknowledge that I don’t. Please show me what you think about this.”

In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him and He Will Direct Your Paths

Every step, remember Him. Acknowledgment isn’t so much about knowing the way as realizing that He does. God isn’t someone who is going to forget the things He promised you. He is the only one who never forgets. Remember that He will direct you in every step and then let him take it.

I have spent so many hours stressing over jobs and careers and schools…and every time, right at the last minute, God brought me to the perfect place. I had no idea it was going to be right, but He knew. And the things I have learned because of His planning have given me more than I could ever have given myself.

Do Not Be Wise In Your Own Eyes; Fear the Lord and Turn Away From Evil

As mentioned…you don’t have the wisdom of one who exists eternally and created the world. Don’t start acting as if you do. God is outside of time and space. Do you really think you can know more than Him? Your only job is to fear him. Not as in, “being afraid,” but as in showing respect. God created you, and He could quite easily end your life. He could do anything He pleases. Fear that power by realizing that it can lead you without you having to worry it will turn out for the worst. He doesn’t let that happen if you follow Him…not in the way of evil, but in the way of good. Doing wrong has consequences, so does doing right. But the consequences of doing right end in you realizing the beautiful destiny that God is leading you to.

It Will Be Healing to Your Flesh and Refreshment to Your Bones

There is such rest in trusting in God. You don’t have to worry about trying to plan every second of your life. You can know He has never failed before and He won’t start now. Believe that things are going to go the way He intends them to, and that is only good. God Himself is good, and He cannot go against His character. When you rest in Him, your body will be released from the weight of trying so hard and you can know that it is going to be okay. Even if it isn’t what you planned for yourself, well, you weren’t responsible. And you can make the best of what He gives you.

This is a choice every day. You can’t just wake up trusting God. But every day, be brutally honest with Him. Tell Him that you can’t stand this, but you know He is right. Tell Him what you’re afraid of and listen to what He says. Read that Bible…it’s full of stories of the people who tried to do things their way. Think of Abraham, Jacob, David, Naomi, Peter, Paul…. They did their best to make things work on their own, but when they stopped and trusted God, He used them for so much more. If you want God to use you, just let Him know. He will always do it.

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