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stone sculpture of Mary and Jesus after Jesus' death

A Savior To Bear

The Second Week of Awaiting His Advent Before we get to the birth of Jesus, we almost always start by thinking about his mother, Mary. This is only natural—after all, that’s how the stories begin in Matthew and Luke. They go first to Mary (well, and his other relatives, but I’ll save them for a …

fashion man love people

Dracula: A Classic

There are many reasons to read the classics, and in the following paragraphs I will inform you why I think you should include Dracula in your list. It’s not just a horror story, it’s a brilliant examination of humanity, life, death, and the roles of gender in society. You may have heard the story before, …

gray cross on mountain

The Death of God and the Death of Man

“How should we explain Jesus’ belief in the necessity of his death? How should we account for the fact that what drove him on throughout his public ministry, as all four Gospels testify, was the conviction that he had to be killed? And how should we explain the fact that, whereas martyrs like Stephen faced …

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